Freilach Instrumentals: Niggun Bobov – Lo Seivoishi

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Shared on November 11, 2017
On May 28, Mosdos Bobov (45) celebrated 70 years of the Bobover Chassidus in the United States. A beautiful dinner marking the momentous occasion was held at Aviators Events Center in Brooklyn, NY.
Completely rearranged in honor of this event, watch Freilach Band perform a philharmonic version of “Lo Seivoishi” - composed by the Kedushas Tzion of Bobov Zt”l.
While it has been sung regularly in Bobov for many years, it has recently gone viral after a single of the song - dubbed “Niggun Bobov” - featuring Ah’rele Samet & Zanvil Weinberger was released by Malchus Choir (Israel).
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Video Credits:
Music by: Freilach Band/Avrumi Schreiber
Rearranged & Conducted by: Tzvi Blumenfeld
Mixed by: V-Gold Beat Productions
Live Sound by: Stellar Productions
Live Sound Engineer: Moshe Zuckerman
Event Coordinator: Reuven Gross
Video by: Motty Engel
Public Relations: Sruly Meyer
Press: The Hashtag Group/Pinny Blumenfeld
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