Friends for Meilech Kohn's Album

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Shared on July 13, 2016
‘Yeder Einer’ Available Everywhere Now!
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Energetic. Pumping. Heartfelt. Uplifting.
The words to describe Meilich Kohn's music are as diverse as his style.
Listen to hits such as V'oahavta , V'noihapachu, Ein Trop Vaser and you'll immediately feel Meilich's emotion oozing from every note and word.
On a daily basis, Meilich is bombarded with notes and messages from appreciative listeners of all ages, thanking him for the inspiration they've received. From a patient racked with illness in a hospital ward, to the bochur struggling to find his place in the world, Meilich's music has comforted and soothed, inspired and revitalized.
Now it's time to take the music from the underground to the foreground. It's time for a Meilich Kohn CD.
The costs of creating an album are quite expensive, with zero profit margin. There is one reason, and one reason only for such an album: to provide chizuk and happiness.
Together, let's enable Meilich to elevate and gladden our brothers and sisters - from every stripe, from any background - by bringing his music to the public ear.
From the bottom of our hearts, thank you so much for your contribution.
Friends of Meiclich Kohn
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