Gad Elbaz – Save Me – Official lyrics Video

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Shared on May 2, 2018
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---- Save Me From my Selfie - Lyrics ----
I phone, I touch all day I work and I play
Don't hear what you say I plug in
The games that I play As time gets away
In cyber I stay I Can't Can win
YouTube streaming away You Keep surfing all day
For songs that been played I'm on the Radio
Tweeting all that I say Facebook scrolling away
Sharing secrets that stay I'm on the radio
All the things I can be I just wanna break free now
From technology GPS Can Find me
I just wanna break free now And now it's time go and role
Save me from my selfie
Oh please tell me, how to disconnect me
Save me from my selfie oh please take me
and turn the signal off
I PlayStation all day crash candy and play
don’t hear what you say I'm plugged in
the screen I obey my virtual day
in cyber I stay I can't I can win
All the things I can be
I just wanna break free now
From technology
geniuses around me
I just wanna break free now
And now its time go and role
---- credits ----
Composer: Gad Elbaz
Lyrics: Zvika Bornstein
Musical Producer: Gad Elbaz & Maor Shooshan
Programmer: Maor Shooshan, Oren Emanuel & Gad Elbaz
Vocals: Gad Elbaz
Brass: Oded Meir & Dor Asaraf
Mixing: Oren Emanuel
Mastering: Dale Becker
Graphics And Lyrics Video - VisuaLive
ZOAB Entertainment
Management and production
Shlomi Cohen
[email protected]
+972-52-4339353 - ISRAEL
1-3234438541 - USA
33177471253 - France
HOSHEN Productions
SHLOMI COHEN - +972-52-4339353
YAACOV ABITBOL - +972-54-9824767
[email protected] //
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