Gaguim – געגועים | Official Lyric Video | Duvid Berger | דוד בערגער

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Shared on August 19, 2024
In a candid conversation with Hashem, Duvid pours out the deep longing within every Neshama to connect to its Creator in this hauntingly beautiful melody.
Our hearts are aching to be reunited. There is so much distance. So much pain. Yet, the steadfast desire to be whole again remains a constant force.
In a world that feels devoid of hope, let this song rekindle the spirit within your soul.
אין דעם הסתר פונעם היינטיגן וועלט שפירט מען אזא ווייטקייט
אזויפיל ווייטאג, אבער די נשמה רוף שטילט נישט אָפּ
געגועים ברענגט ארויס די טיפע בענקעניש אין יעדע נשמה צו ווערן נענטער צום
באשעפער און זיך צוריק באהעפטן צום שורש.
Music Credits:
Produced by: Moshe Kraus | MK Studios
Composed, Written & Performed by: Duvid Berger
Music Arranged by: Mendy & Tuli Lipsker
Piano & Keys: Mendy Lipsker
Programming: Mendy & Tuli Lipsker
Guitars: Miki Avioz
Kanun: Amir Alaev
Choir: David Taub, Moshe Kraus, Mendy & Tuli Lipsker
Mix & Master: Ron Tichon
Video Animation & Cover Design: VigiGee
Project Managment & Marketing: SolBlum
Special thanks:
Moshe Kraus
Mordechai Fligman,
Zisha Surkis
Sruly Blumenfeld
Lipa Siegel
Aba Berkowitz
Yanky Friedman
Shimon Schwartz
Hershy Braun
Zisha Schnitzler
Duvid Berger | Bookings
MW Managment: 929-437-3381
#DuvidBerger #Gaguim
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