Hadran – Beri Weber | הדרן – בערי וועבער

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Shared on December 30, 2019
Hadran - Beri Weber
שתהא תורתך אומנותינו בעולם הזה, ותהא תורתך עמנו לעולם הבא, הדרן עלך והדרך עלן, דעתן עלך ודעתך עלן, לא תיתנשי מינן
(יהי״ר לסיום מסכת)
About two years ago, Beri Weber who’s a very famous star performer in the Jewish world of music approached the extraordinaire talented composer, Hershy Weinberger and asked him to compose a song in honor of the מסיימי הש״ס titled Hadran.
This Wednesday January 1, 2020 will mark the 13th Siyum Hashas in celebration of the millions of Jews worldwide, who participate in the daily Daf Yomi (one page of Talmud study) over the period of seven and a half years.
Hadran Aloch & Mazel Tov to all you celebrating!
הדרן - Hadran
Composed by: Hershy Weinberger
Music Production By: Naftali Schnitzler
Choir By: Yossi Glick - Shevach Choir
Vocals Recorded & Edited by: Gershy Schwarcz @EdgwareStudios, Shlome Wechter @SWStudios
Artwork by: The Pivot Group
House Of Music Label
No Part of this video or song is to be copied sold published or uploaded anywhere or onto any sites across the internet. Not to be used for commercial or profitable use.
© 2019, All Rights Reserved to Beri Weber.
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