Here With Us – Yossi Green

Here With Us – Yossi Green

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Shared on October 19, 2020
Yossi Green Presents
Here With Us
Performed by Shlomo Simcha
Lyrics by Miriam Handler
Arranged by Yitzy Berry & Eli Klein
לע״נ מיכל בת מרדכי שמריהו ע״ה
Michal Leshinsky A"H
Here With Us - Lyrics
You’d laugh - and we couldn’t help
but laugh along with you
Your smile belied the struggle you were going through
And, despite of all the fears and years of pain you felt
Your concern was always for somebody else…
We marveled at your - unfailing, upbeat attitude
The way that you faced the world
with grace and gratitude
The Emunah that defined you - never asking “why?”
Has been our source of strength as time goes by.
And you’re here with us
Although we cannot see
You shed a tear with us
While praying that we see
The hopes you had for us turn into a reality
Your dreams for our future - come to be…
And, as you dance on high
We know you’re smiling with us
And you cheer us as we soar
We can’t see you - but you’re here with us
And will be ever more…
In the Shechina’s glow
Where everything is clear
And you know what the pain was for
You are full of joy because you’re here with us
And will be ever more.
Accepting Hashem’s decree with such tranquility
You sought to do acts of kindness with humility
And your never-ending Simcha
came from deep within
And your aura never failed to draw us in
The lives that you touched were many, and the void is great
You were so young - but left so much to emulate
And we’re grateful to have had you, and to feel the love…
That still is radiating from above.
And you’re here with us
Although we cannot see
You shed a tear with us
While praying that we see
The hopes you had for us turn into a reality
Your dreams for our future come to be…
And, as you dance on high
We know you’re smiling with us
And you cheer us as we soar
We can’t see you, but you’re here with us
And will be ever more…
In the Shechina’s glow
Where everything is clear
And you know what the pain was for
You are full of joy because you’re here with us
And will be ever more.
#YossiGreen #ShlomoSimcha
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