Isaac Honig and Yedidim Singing Adon Hakol A. Berko Production | אייזיק האניג וידידים – אדון הכל

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Shared on February 8, 2015
Isaac Honig and Yedidim - Singing Adon Hakol -A. Berko Production | אייזיק האניג וידידים - אדון הכל
Nov. 24 2014
The Yedidim Choir with R' Isaac Honig singing 'Adon Hakol' at a wedding in The Atrium - Monsey.
Music production is done by the Great Avrumi Berko & Brass Section.
Trombone: Dani Flam
Guitar: Zishe Glauber
Violin: Stanislov
Shmily Spira
Yoel Hersh Fuchs
Leiby Wieder
Shaya Ilowitz
Yanky Orlansky
Sound: Yossi Rosenberg
This song was composed by Yossi Green to the words written by the R' Elozor Azkeri the Mechaber of the Sefer Chareidim. Published by OhYeahMusic, LLC.
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