Ki Keil Melech – Eitan Katz | כי א-ל מלך – איתן כ״ץ
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Shared on January 16, 2022
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This Nigun was composed while visiting my dear friend Moti Kest ז״ל.
Moti was a pillar of Chesed to his community, a loving son, husband, father, and grandfather to his beloved family, and a friend like no other to those who were zoche to know him.
I'll never forget how, even in his sick and weak state, he picked up the bongo and started playing along as we sang this Nigun.
May this Nigun bring comfort and happiness to those in need.
Produced, Arranged & Performed by Eitan Katz
Jeremy Brown - Violin
Yoshie Fruchter - Bass
C Lanzbom - Lead Classical Guitar
Shaya Lieber - Percussion
Additional singing by:
Heshy Deutsch
Yehuda Horowitz
Ben Lutz
Sruli Prero
Mixed & Mastered by C Lanzbom @ Sherwood Ridge Studio
Apple Music
Mostly Music
Album Sampler
This Nigun was composed while visiting my dear friend Moti Kest ז״ל.
Moti was a pillar of Chesed to his community, a loving son, husband, father, and grandfather to his beloved family, and a friend like no other to those who were zoche to know him.
I'll never forget how, even in his sick and weak state, he picked up the bongo and started playing along as we sang this Nigun.
May this Nigun bring comfort and happiness to those in need.
Produced, Arranged & Performed by Eitan Katz
Jeremy Brown - Violin
Yoshie Fruchter - Bass
C Lanzbom - Lead Classical Guitar
Shaya Lieber - Percussion
Additional singing by:
Heshy Deutsch
Yehuda Horowitz
Ben Lutz
Sruli Prero
Mixed & Mastered by C Lanzbom @ Sherwood Ridge Studio
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