Kinus Hashluchim 5776/2015 Live Dancing – Benny Friedman – Avremi G – A Team

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Shared on June 30, 2016
The Chabad Kinus Hashluchim takes place once a year with 5000 Chabad Shluchim and their supporters flying in from all over the world to the Brooklyn navy pier for a night of inspiring speeches, uplifting dancing and chizuk that stays with them a whole year.
The amazing energy felt in this room during this event, and especially for the dancing portion of the evening cannot be described in words.
The A Team, along with Avremi G and Benny Freidman teamed up to produce the music at this year's Kinus.
Music Produced by: Yitzy Schwartz & The A Team
Music Arranged & Conducted by: Avremi G
Live Sound by: Ilya Lishinsky, Moshe Zukerman, Larry Gates & Danny Freidman.
Post Mix by: Yaniv Balas
Live Guitar by: Chaim Bokchin
Additional Overdub Guitars by : Motti Feldman
Live Video by: Yankee Teitelbaum
Video Edited by: Motty Engel
Post Production: Platinum Productions
Special Thank You to R' Moshe Kotlarsky & R' Mendy Kotlarsky
A Special Thank You to Ben Mayer & Benny Friedman.
In addition to the A Team core band, The A Team also offers a full service production team made up of world class Musicians, sound engineers, sound companies, video, and a full service post production team.
Enjoy! Let us know what you think in the comment section below!
The A Team is an elite group of musicians, and technical sound engineers who work together to create that magical result for clients that appreciate the value of great music and superior production and sound quality.
Experience The Magic Live!!!
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