KOL HAKAVOD | Simcha Leiner | ALBUM SAMPLER – שמחה ליינר | כל הכבוד | תקציר אלבום

KOL HAKAVOD | Simcha Leiner | ALBUM SAMPLER – שמחה ליינר | כל הכבוד | תקציר אלבום

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Shared on October 23, 2019
Check out the latest music video for the Title Track - Kol Hakavod https://youtu.be/KFxnXcLJh-s
Simcha Leiner releases his groundbreaking new album entitled KOL HAKAVOD!
After years of working with great teams and producers Simcha Leiner teamed up with some of the true greats to self produce an album featuring the works of Yitzy Waldner, Mendy Hershkowitz, Yossi Green, Shloimy Salzman, Elie Schwab, Simcha Leiner himself and many others!
Sampler edited by Zali Fordsham
Graphics by Yoni Weiss
The album recorded in 4 countries features the musicianship of nearly 100 musicians including a full philharmonic orchestra - the European Symphony Orchestra.
Stay tuned for 3 music videos already in production!
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