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Shared on April 7, 2020
Okay, so you remember back in 2012 we sat down in Edgware Studios with this composition? Anyway, to make a long story shorter, we forgot about it. Now we remembered it... So we released it! Ha! 😆
Signing out, Gershy (p.s. I have his password 🤫)
Oh wait, Shloime Bernstein played guitar in 2014. He did it in 5 minutes... legend! 🎸
oh, also do you remember when Edgware was in Israel after it was in London before it was in America? never mind!
א גוט יום טוב, בשורות טובות!
אליהו הנביא זכור לטוב
p.s. Sruly will most probably edit this... not before Chanuka though 😂
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