Kumzitz Highlights From Yeshivat Shalavim
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Shared on February 19, 2024
This Video Was taken during Eseres Yemai Teshuva in Yeshivat Shalavim.
We sang and prayed together for a hopeful year before the sealing of the Yom Hadin... Little did we know what would unfold a couple of short weeks after...
I've been sitting on this footage for a while- not sure if I should share it or not... is it relevant? the quality of sound was poorly recorded as well...
But after some thought I felt that we are still in these days of judgment, we are still praying these prayers in the hopes that we will see better days. I hope this raw footage and sound transports you into the kumzizt with us and you join us in prayer!
We sang and prayed together for a hopeful year before the sealing of the Yom Hadin... Little did we know what would unfold a couple of short weeks after...
I've been sitting on this footage for a while- not sure if I should share it or not... is it relevant? the quality of sound was poorly recorded as well...
But after some thought I felt that we are still in these days of judgment, we are still praying these prayers in the hopes that we will see better days. I hope this raw footage and sound transports you into the kumzizt with us and you join us in prayer!
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