Lama? Remix 2019 – Beri Weber – למה? רימיקס 2019 – בערי וובר

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Shared on March 16, 2019
Lama? Remix 2019 - Beri Weber - למה? רימיקס 2019 - בערי וובר
Here is a remix of one of Beri's compositions performed with the LPR band in 2018 (see link:
This year Beri decided to bring out his feelings in this song Lama in a whole new genre, something that he hasn't done often: Lama? in a EDM Remix style.
Produced by: @GershySchwarcz - Edgware Studios
Music Produced by: Moshe Klein @moshe_michael
Directed by: Beri Weber
Lyrics: (By: R'Sholom Mordcha Roth)
And Yes...
This is the revelation,
When from nowhere,
No expectation,
When you realize,
That the darkness hides the light,
And the night is so bright,
How Ein Sof sets the stage,
He chose you as the actor,
He is the Writer and the Director,
We can’t stop the laughter... 😂 🤣
Connect with Beri:
All rights of this music and any other or related materials by Beri Weber and the producers, is reserved to Beri Weber © 2019
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