Lipa Schmeltzer Talking about Leiby Kletzky HY"D

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Shared on July 14, 2011 - New York - We have no words, only tears.
The horrifying murder of young Leibby Kletzky, Hy'd, has left us all devastated. Heartbroken. Numb with grief. Awash in an endless sea of tears, we struggle to cope with our new reality, life without Leibby.
That one little boy, who most of us never knew, could become so much a part of the lives of all of Klal Yisroel is truly remarkable.
When I landed from Uman on Tuesday afternoon, I knew I couldn't possibly go home to my own children until I had done my part to help the Kletzky family find their missing child. Nobody ever thought that we would be facing a tragedy of such epic proportions. I went home, kissed my own kinderlach and continued to be mispallel for Leibby's safe return.
Sleep did not come easily that night, as I worried about Leibby. Where was he? Was he afraid? Having nightmares? Dehydrated from the heat? Like so many others, I went to bed with my phone in my hand, hoping to hear good news. That Leibby had been found, alive and well.
When we all woke up to the unspeakable news on Wednesday, it was worse than anyone could have ever imagined. As the news continued to come in, our shock and horror were beyond words His death How he died Where & by who.
I wasn't the only one who spent the day distraught, crying and unable to function. As a singer, I tried to do what I know how to do best. Compose a song for this zeese neshoma. But I couldn't come up with anything that would do justice to tyere, heilige Leibby.
Finally, I came up with a story, words of hisorirus that will hopefully provide the chizuk that we all need so very desperately right now.
Leibby, Leibby, we need you to be a meilitz yosher for your family and for all of klal yisroel. Help us dry our tears and continue with the achdus, the ahava, the tefillos and the endless acts of chesed that you inspired in all of us.
Umacha Hashem Elokim dima may'al kol panim...



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