Lipa’s Yiddish Nachas. Featuring Yossi Green & The Yiddish Nachas Boys Choir.

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Shared on September 1, 2024
in honor of the wedding of my oldest son R’ Moishe Yosef & his wife Chavi.
We don’t get a second chance of becoming parents again—after decades of life training. Nonetheless, looking back after many years, we could see how beautifully the story had evolved, and how the story was all planned out for us perfectly. The rest, hopefully, you could feel in the song.
I hope every parent can relate to the words that come straight from my heart.
Produced by: Lipa
Directed by: Zisha Surkis
Composed by Lipa Schmeltzer
Added composition: Yossi Green
Lyrics By Lipa Schmeltzer
Music arranged by: Moshe Yacob
Kids Choir by:Yiddish Nachas
Conducted by: Moshe Krause
Mix & Master: Yanky Cohen
Video produced & Directed by: Lazer Deutch
Video filmed by: Motty Engel
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