LIVE: 2nd Annual Hatzalah-Thon Concert!

LIVE: 2nd Annual Hatzalah-Thon Concert!

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Shared on April 30, 2021
Hatzalah-Thon -LIVE NOW- Featuring the biggest names in Jewish Music! Avraham Fried, Mordechai Ben David, Ishay Ribo, 8th Day, Mordechai Shapiro, Motty Steinmetz, Benny Elbaz, and The Zemiros Choir with music by The A Team Orchestra!
Hatzalah-Thon is a fundraising initiative to help support the efforts of Hatzalah, a fully volunteer Ambulance and first response Corp, with branches throughout the world! Find out more about this initiative at www.Hatzalahthon.com
This event is produced by the dedicated members of United for Protection. 
Last year, in the depths of the Covid 19 pandemic, United for Protection took it upon themselves to gather the entire Jewish nation in a “unity” Torah, written with letters secured virtually by Jews all across the world. As a show of appreciation to Hatzalah, a 2nd Torah writing was commenced right at the conclusion of the first, but this one being dedicated to the Selfless Hatzalah volunteers. 
Find out more and secure YOUR letter at www.Unitedforprotection.com
Producer: Shneur Nejar 
Program Director: Dovid Weinbaum
Assistant Director: Shimon Sabol  
Music: Yitzy Schwartz & The A Team Band
Musical Director: Bentzi Marcus & Yuval Stupel 
Musical Arrangements: Avremi G
Video Director: Shlomo Chaim Rivkin of Rivkin Media 
Set & Lighting Design: Dynamic Vision
Filming & Broadcasting : Yankee Teitelbaum & Bracha Toreneheim of Flowmotion
Design: Menachem Krinsky & Yochai Karmi
PR: Bentzi Sasson 
Stage Manager: Heshy Mandel
UFP Coordinator: Rabbi Sholom Loebenstein    
VJ, Multimedia & Ticker: Chaim Vaknin and Shmulik Ben-Harush of Visual-Live
Sound: Eli Lishinsky & Stas Olshansky of Skyworks Event Solutions
Catering: Levi Feigenson of Table One
Decor: Chani Greenbaum
Photographers: Yisroel Teitelbaum & Beryl Mayer
Writers: Zevi Kugel
Broadcasting Coordinator: Feige Benshimon 
Instagram: Dini Rabin
UFP Account Rep.
Rabbi Avrohom Kopel, Rabbi Chula Jacobson, Rabbi Levi Goldshmidt, Rabbi Mendel Bernstein, Rabbi Mendel Cunin, Rabbi Mendy Lepkivker, Rabbi Mendy Plotkin, Rabbi Mendy Richler, Rabbi Aaron Mishulovin, Rabbi Shmulie Cunin, Rabbi Yossi Cohen
Very Special Thanks to:
Moshe Berghoff, Avi Baitelman, Shamai Chein of 321 Motion, Shaul Dahan, Rabbi Dudi Farkash, Rabbi Moshe Klein, Mendy Kulsky, Rabbi Chaim Schapiro, Yuval Stupel, Levi Sudak, Rabbi Benny Wolf 
Mrs. Mirele Greenwald, Mrs. Shani Junik, Mrs. Chani Kantor, Mrs. Liba Nejar, Mrs. Mica Soffer of Collive
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