Matt Dubb – Heilig (feat. Worch) מאט דאב – הייליג [A Tribute To Avicii]

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Shared on May 2, 2018
Matt Dubb - Heilig (feat. Worch) מאט דאב - הייליג [A Tribute To Avicii]
iTunes / Apple Music:
Mostly Music:
Spotify, GooglePlay, Amazon Store and all other major digital stores.
Producer: Matt Dubb
Co Producer: Ruli Ezrachi
Music: Matt Dubb
Vocals: Mendy Worch
Production / Engineer: Ruli Ezrachi
Behind the making of this record...
About two years back I started working on this track based on my influences from music producer Tim Bergling AKA Avicii. He was one of the main reasons I began producing electronic music. His music inspired/influenced me which words can not. When I heard of his sudden death I went back into the session and decided it was time to finish it and share it with you all. RIP.
The story behind the Vocals...
Almost every Shabbos there is a kiddish at the Breslov / Kerestier shul in Flatbush after Shachris. At this Kidish Mendy Worch leads us with his singing/ zemiros. One of the songs he sings is his rendition to the famous “Bardichev Nigun” as heard in this song - with a taste of Shabbos - the melody touches my soul every time I hear it. I gave Mendy a call with the idea of doing a collaboration with his rendition - the rest is for you to listen...
I hope you all enjoy as much at it was creating!
Matt Dubb
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#mattdubb #heilig #aviciitribute
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