Matt Dubb – VIP Hits (Adama V'shamayim, Eliyahu Hanavi, Kewli, Olam Chesed ) [Video Mashup] מאט דאב

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Shared on May 12, 2020
VIP Hits is a Mashup of Adama V'shamayim, Eliyahu Hanavi feat. MUNCH, Kewli feat. Shloime Daskal & Olam Chesed.
Available for Download & Streaming on all major platforms,
iTunes / Apple Music:
GooglePlay, Amazon Store and all other major digital stores.
Producer: Matt Dubb
Co-Producer: Ruli Ezrachi
Executive Producer: FMG RECORDS
Music: Matt Dubb
Vocals: Matt Dubb, MUNCH, Shloime Daskal
Production / Engineer: Ruli Ezrachi
Video Credits:
Edited and produced by Menachem Weinstein of Munch Media.
Video Footage & lighting
Legacy Castle, March 2020
Director/Producer: Nataniel Khafizov
Cinematographer: Uladzimir Taukachou
Lighting: ?
Uman, Ukraine 2018
Director/Producer: Nataniel Khafizov
Cinematographer: Max Stepanenko
Lighting: ?
Jewish Music Carnival
Director/Cinematographer: Motty Engel and Co.
Lighting: Mendy Boaron of Master Lighting Production.
Ford Amphitheater
iPhone / Smartphone videos from fans!
Lighting: Media Pro
Waterbury Connecticut
Director/Cinematographer: Shimon Friedman
Lighting: ?
Lake Terrace, NJ
Director/Cinematographer: Motty Engel and Co.
Lighting: Dynamic Lighting Co
Brooklyn, NY
Director/Cinematographer: Nataniel Khafizov
Lighting: Mendy Boaron of Master Lighting Production.
Addison Park, NJ
Director/Cinematographer: Motty Engel and co.
Lighting: Dynamic lighting co.
Special thanks to Nachie Lowy for helping me bring this track to where it is... You're taste in music is inspiring.
Follow Matt Dubb on Social Media;
Instagram - @djmattdubb -
Facebook - Matt Dubb -
Twitter - @djmattdubb -
For bookings & info please contact Ruli:
P. 347-243-3626
E. [email protected]
#mattdubb #VIPHits #VIDEOmashup
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