Mendy Portnoy – Hanan Ben Ari Piano Medley – מחרוזת פסנתר – חנן בן ארי

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Shared on January 31, 2023
At the end of a recent recording session, I took 15 minutes at the end to play a few improvised versions of either songs -or in this case a medley of songs - from Artists whose music I really enjoy.
I've loved Hanan Ben Ari since the very first time I heard one his songs. I didn't speak enough Hebrew to understand anbything he said but this guy was a badass. With sooooo much groove. So much soul.
Funny story.
I have an old old friend who I went to music school with about 12 years ago in Israel. At the time I didn't speak a word of Hebrew, and he spoke even less English.
He forced me to learn the unison line in Sir Duke by Stevie Wonder - so I knew he was a good guy.
His name is יעקב אסרף and today he is Hanan Ben Ari - חנן בן ארי's MD at their live shows and has also produced a ton of music videos for him.
Funny story.
Around 8 years ago, they got in touch with me and asked me if I would play keys for this up and coming guy called "Hanan Ben Ari".
I told them I wasn't really into the idea of being on the road and wanted to spend more time in studios and build a career that I could settle into with a family - a decision which to this day I am so grateful I made.
However, I continue to follow their journey and be absolutely mind blown by everything Hanan and his team put out.
The fact that he sold out a 5,000 seat Venue in Brooklyn, where probably 50% of the people had no idea what any of the lyrics meant really just says it all.
Anyway thats enough rambling. I felt inspire to throw together a few of his songs.
Enjoy ❤️
Recorded by Ian Freitor
Mixed by Ben Wallick
Video by Shimmy Socol
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