Michoel Schnitzler joins Achim Byachad for an amazing cruise!|מיכאל שניצלער-אחים ביחד

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Shared on October 9, 2018
Published on Oct 9, 2018
To welcome the new year of iShine Achim B'Yachad, boys from Williamsburg, Boro Park, Staten Island, Monsey, Skver, Monroe, Bloomingburg, the Mishnayos Group, and members of the Kids Helping Kids Program, enjoyed a 4 hour cruise by SkyLine Princess Cruise at the Worlds fair marina in Queens. This Event was made possible with the help of Motty Resnick, B’Gan, Prime Source GPO, and Duso Food Distributors. לעילוי נשמת חיים יהודה מאיר בן יוסף אריה ע״ה The boys received a sweatshirt made just for this trip as they boarded the ship, they feasted on a gourmet dinner, and danced to the music of a full live band led by Michoel Schnitzler מיכאל שניצלער, Sruly Green and Chaim Green. Prizes and nosh were given throughout the night. Thank you to all the iShine volunteers-without you iShine couldn’t exist.
Achim B'yachad is the Chassidish division Of Chai Lifeline.
Fighting Illness With Love.
Achim B'yachad restores the light of childhood to children whose innocence ended when cancer, life-threatening, or lifelong illness was diagnosed.
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