Moshe Storch ~ADAMA V’SHAMAYIM~ live at Nagel Jewish Academy – אדמה ושמים

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Shared on March 23, 2018
This fun, catchy song has been the jamm of Purim 2018 all across the world.
Inspired by and thanks to Matt Dubb, Aryeh Blumstein and Eli Levin.
Check out Matt Dubb’s ADAMA:
On March 11, 2018 we played this song at the Nagel Jewish Academy Que n’ Brew event at the home of Yaron and Oranit Hassid in Los Angeles CA
Together with Lieder’s catering (, Chana Leah Margolis, director of NJA, created a beautiful and inspiring event to benefit spreading jewish education to every jewish child in Los Angeles!
To learn more about Nagel Jewish Academy visit their website:
($1,000 sponsors a child for a year)
Singer: Moshe Storch
Percussion & b/u vocal: Gidon Shikler
Lead Guitar: Jonathan Asperil
Violin: Chris Woods
Sound & Video: David Greenbaum
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