NAFTALI BLUMENTHAL | Godly Tune | Official Music Video | מנגינה אלוהית | נפתלי בלומנטל

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Shared on June 20, 2016
Official Music Video Of "Godly Tune" Performed by Naftali Blumenthal
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Written, music, and performed by: Naftali Blumenthal
Arranged & Produced by: Jake Antelis
Video Produced by: Shia Fried @ Studio123
Filmed by: Sawyer Purman
Hair: Ben's Cuts
© - Naftali Blumenthal - 2016
For all info : [email protected]
How will I ever educate my children
in a world that's so flooded with confusion
among evil are the righteous suffering the most
where even the strong are losing their hopes
But in the back of my mind
I envision God who
I know is listening to me
cuz I hear a Godly tune
Your my child
and I've placed you in my world
It pains me when you question faith
it hurts me when you turn astray
Though I know its so hard
To comprehend; that I'm beyond time
The day will come soon
You'll see a bigger picture and my master plan
Then just like I
You'll see why
Everything that occurred
It was all just for your good
We need too understand and believe
It's not always what we see perceive
Throughout life's journeys trials and lessons to accept
The toughest one are What makes me most blessed
And its the thought of your presence
That gets me through
And I'm clinging to you even more
When I hear a Godly Tune
A world of broken tablets
Yet we stay firm and proud
Father dear please bring it now
I'm your child
And I'm living in your world
I'll strive to never lose my faith
I hope I never throw it away
Yes I know it's so hard
To comprehend that your beyond time
The day will come soon
I'll see a bigger picture and your master plan
Then you'll show me
what it really means
"That everything that occurred
It was all Just for your good"
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