Old School Six13 – Al Hanissim – Chabad Telethon 2007 (Live)

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Shared on April 8, 2011
Six13 performs "Al Hanissim" from its second album live on the Chabad Telethon, December 2007. Mickey V. loves that great harmony of this group.
Professional Jewish a cappella group Six13 are the originators of today's Jewish a cappella sound. They've performed to rave reviews for millions of people -- at synagogues, religious schools, major sports events, JCCs, Hillels, fundraising events, B'nai Mitzvah and private affairs alike, and received numerous awards for their four best-selling CDs. To find out more about how to bring Six13 to your community for an event that's truly unforgettable, visit us at http://www.six13.com.
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