Pumpidisa – Jews Dancing in Morocco with Ancient People Salaam

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Shared on August 2, 2016
An hour of narrow 'cliffy' jeep ride down the rocky paths of Morocco, Shlomo Hamelech (King Solomon's) son is buried. They don't allow Jews to pray at the actual site, but 30 meters across from the Tomb, a room was built for Jews to pray from a distance. We came with sheep and dress with the local clothing code to appease the town elders so permission be granted for us to enter all the way in to the Tomb. At the entrance of the Kever, all the locals gathered, sang their songs and threw candy at us. So we sang back Salaam - Peace.
Present was: Yoeli Lebovits, Beri Weber, Meilech Kohn, Shlomo Gaisin of Zusha, Tzvi & Matt Levin
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