Sessions with Shulem: Mama Rochel Medley ft. Zaltz Band | מחרוזת רחל אמנו – שלום למר

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Shared on November 11, 2024
In this latest installment of the "Sessions with Shulem" series, we draw inspiration from Mama Rochel, the Mother of Klal Yisroel. Tonight, on her yahrzeit, we cry out to Hashem alongside her, remembering how her tears, filled with unwavering hope, broke through the heavens. Yaakov Avinu buried her on the road specifically so that we, her children, could come to her kever to daven and ask her to intercede with Hashem on our behalf. We turn to her now, begging for all the yeshuos we so desperately need and for an end to this bitter galus.
As you watch and listen, let the music guide your tefillah. Together, let’s ask Mama Rochel to bring our prayers before the Throne of Hashem, pleading for the day when Moshiach comes and all our tears are wiped away forever.
Performed by: Shulem Lemmer
Music by: Zaltz Band
Arranged by: Shloimy Zaltzman
Vocals Recorded & Post Production by: Motti Feldman
Mixed by: Ravid Kashti
Video Shot & Edited by: Gavi Stark Productions
Production Assistant: Nate Sprecher
Thank you to The Loft Lakewood for hosting us in your beautiful space!
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