Shabbos in a Bottle | Tomchei Shabbos of Rockland County | Ft. Simcha Leiner

Shabbos in a Bottle | Tomchei Shabbos of Rockland County | Ft. Simcha Leiner

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Shared on March 18, 2019
“A Bottle on Your Table, Means Shabbos on Theirs.”
Shabbos is the highlight of our week. It's a taste of the World to Come – the place where Heaven touches Earth. It is a day when we reconnect to our Creator, our souls, our family.
Buy a bottle today and help families put Shabbos on the table! Visit www.shabbosinabottle.org
Some people — hard-working fathers and mothers like you — feel a pit in their stomach just thinking about Shabbos. For them, Shabbos is a painful reminder of all that they can't afford.
By purchasing this limited-edition bottle of Kedem grape juice, you're putting food on the table of a family who cannot do so alone.
Buy a bottle today and help families put Shabbos on the table! Visit http/www.shabbosinabottle.org
Video Produced by Mint Media
"Shabbos in a Bottle"
Composition: Pinky Weber
Lyrics: Ruchie Torgow
Performed by: Simcha Leiner
Arranged by: Naftali Schnitzler
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