Shlomo & Eitan Katz – Al Hatzdikim – שלמה ואיתן כ״ץ – על הצדיקים

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Shared on January 10, 2018
NEW ALBUM 2020 | Live in Jerusalem 2 |
Dedicated to the Revered Memory of Maran Rav Ahron Leib Shteinman ZT"L.
לעילוי נשמת מורינו הרב אהרן לייב שטיינמן זצ״ל
Al Hatzdikim - על הצדיקים
Composed by Shlomo & Eitan Katz
Live Recording by Nick Koykas K.A.S Audio
Studio Mix by Vlad
Filmed by Simcha Sommer
Edited by Eli Schwartzblatt
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