עת רקוד – SHWEKEY – Et Rekod

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Shared on October 7, 2014
The new album "L'chaim" is now available
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יעקב שוואקי - עת רקוד
מתוך האלבום קולות
Lyrics: Kohelet
Composed by Yitzy Waldner & Shwekey
Arranged by Amit Harel
Album Producer: Yochi Briskman
Technical Production: Sharon Daniel
Created by: Hadassah Chen​
Directed by: Aharon Orian
​Director of Photography: David Orian
​Production By: OlamMedia
Line Producer: Daniel Netanelov
Multimedia: Izeek Daniel
Dancers: Studio ACAI - Miki Chayat
Production Team:
Doron Shapun
Chezi Rosenbaum
Chaim Mirzayev
Reuvi Komar
Tal Haim Films
Public Relations: Media Pro
Email: [email protected]
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