SIMCHA LEINER | Kol Hakavod Acapella Album Sampler! ALL SOUNDS MADE WITH VOCALS!

SIMCHA LEINER | Kol Hakavod Acapella Album Sampler! ALL SOUNDS MADE WITH VOCALS!

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Shared on April 26, 2020
#Acapella #KolHakavod #SimchaLeiner #newalbum
The album can be downloaded by visiting http://www.SimchaLeiner.com/music
APPLE MUSIC - https://music.apple.com/us/album/kol-hakavod-acapella/1511091027
SPOTIFY - https://open.spotify.com/album/5PE9pZUNCrKat8NFERJ4lE
ITUNES - https://music.apple.com/us/album/kol-hakavod-acapella/1511091027?uo=4&app=itunes
Throughout the recent Coronavirus times, Simcha Leiner has emerged as the face of joy and inspiration. With daily livestream performances and interactive experiences to keep families engaged and upbeat!
Just when you thought it was going to stop, Simcha and his musical director Shua Sorscher released the Kol Hakavod album in Acapella.
Featured on this album are 6 songs from the album completely redone using only sounds created with vocals, as well as 3 additional bonus tracks. The bonus tracks include Ishai Ribo’s Nafshi as well as an impressive medley of Ani Maamin songs from throughout the years.
LINKS TO BUY OR STREAM THE NON ACAPELLA ALBUM: https://distrokid.com/hyperfollow/sim...
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