SIMCHA LEINER | Nafshi | Shira Choir – נפשי | שמחה ליינר | מקהלת שירה

SIMCHA LEINER | Nafshi | Shira Choir – נפשי | שמחה ליינר | מקהלת שירה

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Shared on August 11, 2018
NEW ALBUM ALERT!!! https://youtu.be/6W4TolSxF44
Simcha Leiner and The Shira Choir singing the newly released single "Nafshi" originally recorded by Ishay Ribo and Motty Steinmetz, at a wedding in Los Angeles California.
Band - Shira Orchestra (Naftali Finkel)
Conducted by - Yochi Briskman
Arranged by - Yitzy Spinner
Live and Mix Engineer - Ruli Ezrachi
Cinematography - Yoni Oscherowitz
Stage Manager - Aaron Stern
Song Composed by - Shmuel Yefet
Location - Beverly Hilton
מילים: מקורות
לחן: שמואל יפת
שירה: ישי ריבו ומוטי שטיינמץ
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