SIMCHA LEINER – Seder HaAvodah (ft. Avromi Basch & Motti Feldman) שמחה ליינר – סדר העבודה

SIMCHA LEINER – Seder HaAvodah (ft. Avromi Basch & Motti Feldman) שמחה ליינר – סדר העבודה

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Shared on September 21, 2020
Simcha Leiner Seder HaAvodah
This year our Yomim Noraim experience was unlike anything we’ve felt before. While being apart from each other physically we still joined in hearts and minds to pray for the safe return to our shuls and sanctuaries.
The beautiful Young Israel of Woodmere Amud has been my home for the Yomim Noraim for the past few years and couldn’t pass up the opportunity to record something special this year.
Seder Ha’avoda is a musical journey (Cover of the great song by Ishay Ribo) following in the footsteps of the Kohen Gadol (the high Priest) as he made his way through the holy duties of Yom Kippur bestowed on him on behalf of the Jewish people.
Available to download and stream now!
Spotify - https://rb.gy/ebw2su
iTunes - https://rb.gy/zdlv83
Apple Music - https://rb.gy/o4tngp
Google Play -- https://rb.gy/ai84ep
Amazon Music - https://rb.gy/8xrvxh
Performed together with star musicians Avromi Basch and Motty Feldman, we present this as a prayer to not only be able to join together next year B’rov Am Hadras Melech - but to witness the actual Avodah being performed in the return of the Beis Hamikdash.
Song Composed by - @ישי ריבו
Lead Vocals - Simcha Leiner
Accompanied by - Avromi Basch and Motti Feldman
Guitars - Motti Feldman instagram.com/mottifeldman
Flute - Avromi Basch instagram.com/couple.of.baschs
Keyboard - Simcha Leiner
Additional Programming - Michael Soffer
Song Mixed by - Ruli Ezrachi
Single Artwork - Yoni Weiss (designinbrooklyn)
Film Produced by - Moshe Bree (Ingenious Productions)
ADP - Motty Berkowitz @mottyberkowitz
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Filmed on location at Young Israel of Woodmere.
Special thanks to Shlomo Zuller.
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