Six13 – Matza Mia! An ABBA Passover
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Shared on April 16, 2024
MATZA MIA! A generation ago, @OfficialABBA ๐ฉ ๐ง ๐งโโ๏ธ ๐ฉโ๐ฆฐ captivated the world with their catchy hooks and flashy Swede-pop style. Today, they're being rediscovered everywhere from dance clubs to TIkTok. And as they say at the Seder, in EVERY generation, someone rises up to try to destroy us, but G-d delivers us from them. What if someone were to combine these two enduring phenomena? Hm...
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Download Six13's NEWEST ALBUM "Vol. 8: Lights":
Bring Six13 to your community! Contact us at [email protected] to find out more info about our offerings.
All Six13 songs are created with nothing but the human voice.
Anchored by a strong Jewish identity and driven by a mission to connect Jews around the globe with their heritage through music, professional Jewish a cappella group Six13 are the originators of today's Jewish a cappella sound. They've performed to rave reviews at the White House for Barack and Michelle Obama, and ten of thousands more at synagogues, religious schools, JCCs, fundraising events, B'nai Mitzvah and private affairs alike. Theyโve appeared all over mainstream media, been cited by Billy Joel and Bruno Mars, received numerous awards for their eight best-selling CDs, been selected as finalists for casting in NBC's "The Sing-Off", and garnered more than 20 million views online.
Booking, press inquiries, and more information about Six13:
[email protected]
Check out the Matza Mia SINGALONG SHEET for complete lyrics you can sing at your seder!
Download it here:
Giving Thanks We're Free | Take a Chance on Me
If you just rewind
To an ancient time
We were slaves, you see
God had heard our plea
Sayinโ โLet my people go,โ
Moses came to town
But the Pharaoh just said no
And the plagues came down
Feeling so alone
Bitterness was all we'd known
But we still believed
And He split the sea
Now we're no longer oppressed
God, He heard our cry
We're a nation truly blessed
Am Yisrael Chai
Giving thanks we're free
(That's all we want to do, Bubbe)
Giving thanks we're free
Jews Are Free | Dancing Queen
You can sing, you can dine
Having the four cups of wine
Ooh, eat marror, dip parsley
Now that the Jews are free
Gimme! Gimme! Gimme! (That Matza By Midnight) | Gimme! Gimme! Gimme! (A Man After Midnight)
Half past ten
It's such a long affair
There are so many prayers
Gimme! Gimme! Gimme! that matzah by midnight
Find the afikoman 'cause the hour is late
Gimme! Gimme! Gimme! that matzah by midnight
I want all the prizes but I can't stay awake
Matzah Pizza! | Mamma Mia!
Take one look, this meal is fit for a king
I can't cook but I can make this one thing
Matzah pizza, here we go again
My, my, every night for dinna
Matzah pizza, different kind of bread
My, my, just how much I eat ya
Yes, you have many carbs and
You tend to fall apart, but
My, my, how I love unleavened dough
Matzah pizza, you're so apropos
Just like leavin' Egypt long ago
Based on the music of ABBA:
0:00: Giving Thanks We're Free | Take a Chance on Me
0:46: Jews Are Free | Dancing Queen
1:29: Gimme! Gimme! Gimme! (That Matzah By Midnight) | Gimme! Gimme! Gimme! (A Man After Midnight)
2:13: Matzah Pizza! | Mamma Mia!
Music and original lyrics by Benny Andersson, Bjรถrn Ulvaeus and Stig Anderson
Six13โs lyrics by Lior Melnick, Nathaniel Ribner, Elliot Olshansky and Mike Boxer
Arranged by Mike Boxer
Recorded by Six13
Edited by Jeff Eames
Mixed by Ed Boyer
Mastered by Eric Scholz
Wardrobe by Nathaniel Ribner
Cover art by Lior Melnick
Produced by Mike Boxer
Video filmed, directed, edited and produced by David Khabinsky, Daled Studios
Special thanks to Hashem, our loving families, all our incredible audio and video production staff, our alumni, our amazing fans, all of our music teachers, the Heller family, and of course Agnetha, Benny, Bjรถrn and Anni-Frid.
Six13 is:
Mike Boxer | Carl Haber | Eitan Hiller
Lior Melnick | Chaim Moskowitz | Craig Resmovits
Nathaniel Ribner | Josh Sauer | Mordy Weinstein
(c) 2024 Six13
Please subscribe (click the notification bell ๐!), comment, like, and share with anyone who loves Passover, @OfficialABBA, or both!
Download Six13's NEWEST ALBUM "Vol. 8: Lights":
Bring Six13 to your community! Contact us at [email protected] to find out more info about our offerings.
All Six13 songs are created with nothing but the human voice.
Anchored by a strong Jewish identity and driven by a mission to connect Jews around the globe with their heritage through music, professional Jewish a cappella group Six13 are the originators of today's Jewish a cappella sound. They've performed to rave reviews at the White House for Barack and Michelle Obama, and ten of thousands more at synagogues, religious schools, JCCs, fundraising events, B'nai Mitzvah and private affairs alike. Theyโve appeared all over mainstream media, been cited by Billy Joel and Bruno Mars, received numerous awards for their eight best-selling CDs, been selected as finalists for casting in NBC's "The Sing-Off", and garnered more than 20 million views online.
Booking, press inquiries, and more information about Six13:
[email protected]
Check out the Matza Mia SINGALONG SHEET for complete lyrics you can sing at your seder!
Download it here:
Giving Thanks We're Free | Take a Chance on Me
If you just rewind
To an ancient time
We were slaves, you see
God had heard our plea
Sayinโ โLet my people go,โ
Moses came to town
But the Pharaoh just said no
And the plagues came down
Feeling so alone
Bitterness was all we'd known
But we still believed
And He split the sea
Now we're no longer oppressed
God, He heard our cry
We're a nation truly blessed
Am Yisrael Chai
Giving thanks we're free
(That's all we want to do, Bubbe)
Giving thanks we're free
Jews Are Free | Dancing Queen
You can sing, you can dine
Having the four cups of wine
Ooh, eat marror, dip parsley
Now that the Jews are free
Gimme! Gimme! Gimme! (That Matza By Midnight) | Gimme! Gimme! Gimme! (A Man After Midnight)
Half past ten
It's such a long affair
There are so many prayers
Gimme! Gimme! Gimme! that matzah by midnight
Find the afikoman 'cause the hour is late
Gimme! Gimme! Gimme! that matzah by midnight
I want all the prizes but I can't stay awake
Matzah Pizza! | Mamma Mia!
Take one look, this meal is fit for a king
I can't cook but I can make this one thing
Matzah pizza, here we go again
My, my, every night for dinna
Matzah pizza, different kind of bread
My, my, just how much I eat ya
Yes, you have many carbs and
You tend to fall apart, but
My, my, how I love unleavened dough
Matzah pizza, you're so apropos
Just like leavin' Egypt long ago
Based on the music of ABBA:
0:00: Giving Thanks We're Free | Take a Chance on Me
0:46: Jews Are Free | Dancing Queen
1:29: Gimme! Gimme! Gimme! (That Matzah By Midnight) | Gimme! Gimme! Gimme! (A Man After Midnight)
2:13: Matzah Pizza! | Mamma Mia!
Music and original lyrics by Benny Andersson, Bjรถrn Ulvaeus and Stig Anderson
Six13โs lyrics by Lior Melnick, Nathaniel Ribner, Elliot Olshansky and Mike Boxer
Arranged by Mike Boxer
Recorded by Six13
Edited by Jeff Eames
Mixed by Ed Boyer
Mastered by Eric Scholz
Wardrobe by Nathaniel Ribner
Cover art by Lior Melnick
Produced by Mike Boxer
Video filmed, directed, edited and produced by David Khabinsky, Daled Studios
Special thanks to Hashem, our loving families, all our incredible audio and video production staff, our alumni, our amazing fans, all of our music teachers, the Heller family, and of course Agnetha, Benny, Bjรถrn and Anni-Frid.
Six13 is:
Mike Boxer | Carl Haber | Eitan Hiller
Lior Melnick | Chaim Moskowitz | Craig Resmovits
Nathaniel Ribner | Josh Sauer | Mordy Weinstein
(c) 2024 Six13
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