Six13 – The Thanksgivukkah Anthem

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Shared on November 25, 2013
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One should never understate the importance and historical significance of the semi-unprecdented phenomenon that is Thanksgivukkah. Happy Thanksgiving! Or for our non-U.S. fans: Happy Thursday!
To ALL: A very happy Chanukah. Chag Sameach!
This song and all Six13 songs are completely a cappella -- created with nothing but the human voice.
Professional Jewish a cappella group Six13 are the originators of today's Jewish a cappella sound. They've performed to rave reviews for millions of people -- at synagogues, religious schools, major sports events, JCCs, fundraising events, B'nai Mitzvah and private affairs alike, received numerous awards for their five best-selling CDs, and been selected as finalists three times for casting in NBC's "The Sing-Off". To find out more about how to bring Six13 to your community for an event that's truly unforgettable, visit
Michael Boxer
(866) 266-5613
[email protected]
A Six13 original
Written, arranged and produced by Mike Boxer
Lead vocals performed by Robert Operman, Mike Boxer and Jacob Spadaro
Recorded by Mike Boxer, Mordy Weinstein and Eric Dinowitz
Edited and mixed by Alex Green and Alex Koutzoukis, Plaid Productions
Mastered by Dave Sperandio, Vocal Mastering
Video shot, directed and produced by
Jeremy Horowitz - Top Shelf Productions
Six13 is:
Mike Boxer | Eric Dinowitz | Robert Operman
Craig Resmovits | Jacob Spadaro | Mordy Weinstein
(c) 2013 Six13
Lyrics (from the full-length version):
This is the song about the most incredible thing that ever happened.
This is the story of something so tremendously tremendous that it won't happen again for another 79,000 years.
Now listen.

Some 2,000 years ago, brave men called Maccabees
They fought against the odds so Jewish people could be free
We celebrate their miraculous defeat of the Roman cavalry
And we call this Chanukah, you see

Now 1,700 years later, the Pilgrims made their way
To the new world to give thanks with Indians and eat tur-kay
And in 1863, Abe Lincoln declared it a holiday
And thus, Thanksgiving came to be

And these festivals of gratitude, for years, were isolated
Except, of course, that one year, back in 1888-ed
But that's about to change, and the world is all abuzz
About the most amazing coincidence that ever waaaaaaaaas...

What should a Jew eat first? Is it the latkes, or the pheasant?
When asked what you are thankful for, is it okay to say "eight presents"?

Is there room upon the table for both menorah and turkey?
What bracha does one say over one's grandmother's gravy?
Do you have doubts about sufganiyot with cranberry?
The answers lie inside of you and me
Would the Pilgrims and the Indians have played dreidel for some fun?
And what good is Black Friday when your shopping's already done?
If your hand hds nine fingers and you traced it with a marker would it kind of look like a menorah?
Who cares? Today we all are free
These legendary bastions, united, side by side
Inspire us but leave so many questions to decide
So raise your placemats high, and light your shamash flame
'Cause the world will never ever be the same

We're so thankful to G-d for the life that we are living
But I still don't get why they didn't call it "Chanugiving"

Thanksgivukkah... It took so long to set the table
Thanksgivukkah... Cornucopia's full of dreidels
Thanksgivukkah... You took me by surprise, Thanksgivukkah
Thanksgivukkah... This day will never forgotten
Thanksgivukkah... John Madden's eating tur-lat-ken
Thanksgivukkah... You've left me quite confused, Thanksgivukkah

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