Someday, Thank You Hashem & Am Yisrael Chai ~ Moshe, Shlomo & Lazer Storch

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Shared on February 21, 2024
Motzei Shabbos February 17th, Moshe Storch along with his two brothers Lazer & Shlomo performed the all time classic hit song “Someday” originally sung by MBD and composed by their mother Mrs. Dina Storch.
Mrs. Dina Storch along with her husband were in the crowd at Beth Jacob in Atlanta GA, enjoying this first and only performance by the 3 Storch brothers.
Vocals: Moshe & Lazer Storch
Guitar: Moshe Storch
Keys: Shlomo Storch
Percussion: Matt Needleman
Sound and lighting: Moshe Meth
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