Tartar Tantz: Mendy Hershkowitz Band ft. Avraham Balti | טרטר טאנץ: תזמורת מנדי הרשקוביץ ואברהם בלטי

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Shared on October 2, 2023
Sukkos is the happiest time of year, and there's nothing quite like music to amplify that joy! Celebrate the Yom Tov and enjoy this lively rendition of "Tartar Tantz" by the Mendy Hershkowitz Band, featuring world renowned clarinetist, Avraham Balti.
Clarinetist: Avraham Balti
Band: @mendyhband
Stage Design: Lipa Feldman
Engineer: Levi Parkes
Sound: Yossi Sandel
Video Production: Leiby Scher
Video Shooting: Motty Engel
Video Editing: Insight Studio
Mix & Master: Sonic Duo Studios
Thumbnail: Yechiel Landman
Mendy Hershkowitz Band - Booking: +1 516 253 4008
[email protected]
Follow Mendy Hershkowitz Band:
WhatsApp Status: https://wa.link/w20ptg
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#MendyHershkowitzBand #AvrahamBalti #Klezmer
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