Tefilasi – Avrumy Straus & Motty Ilowitz | תפילתי – אברמי שטרויס & מאטי אילאויטש

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Shared on September 28, 2024
Vani Tefilosi — words we say daily, right at the start of Shacharis, asking Hashem to listen to our tefilos and answer our call.
As we stand right before the Yomim Noraim, when every Yid pours their heart out in prayer, I hope this song brings you closer to the meaning behind those words. May it uplift you and, b’ezras Hashem, may all our tefilos be answered.
איך בּעט הקדוש בּרוך הוא
טאטע, הער מיך צו
תּפילתי לך ה'
ענני ענני - אבינו מלכנו
ענני ענני - הושענו
ענני ענני - טאטע הער מיך צו
ענני ענני - רחם עלינו
ענני השם - זעה שוין מיין קלעם
ענני השם - מיין תפילה שוין נעם.
Performed by: Motty Ilowitz & Avrumy Straus
Composed by: Motty Ilowitz
Music produced by: Yanky Cohen
Vocals recorded at: Upbeat Haven, Monsey, NY
Mix: Yanky Cohen
Video Production: Hershy Segal
Filming in the USA: TwoTone Media
Cover Design: VigiGee
Project Management/Marketing: SolBlum
Motty Ilowitz
Bookings: (718) 781-2685
Follow: https://www.instagram.com/mottyilowitz
Avrumy Straus
Bookings: (845) 570-1605
Follow: https://www.instagram.com/avrumystraus
Copyright ©️ 2024 - All rights reserved
#Tefilasi #MottyIlowitz #AvrumyStraus
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