Teshuvah, Tefillah, Tzedakah – Freilach feat. Lipa & Shira | תשובה תפילה וצדקה – פריילך, ליפא ושירה

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Shared on August 20, 2020
With Rosh Chodesh Elul upon us and the Yomim Noraim just around the corner, it's the perfect time to release a song with the words Teshuvah, Tefillah, Tzedakah.
Performing live at The Camp HASC show last summer; A Musical Journey, Lipa, Shira & The Freilach Band revived this classic song off Lipa’s 2nd album ‘L’Tova’. Be inspired as Lipa delivers this gem with all his heart and soul.
A Jay Kay Production
Music by: Freilach Band/Avrumi Schreiber
Composed & Sung by: Lipa Schmeltzer
Originally Arranged by: Ruvi Banet
Orchestrated by: Tzvi Blumenfeld
Live Engineer: Eli Lishinsky & Baba
Post Production: Eli Lishinsky
Shira Choir Arranged & Conducted by: Yoeli Horowitz
Lighting: Dynamic Vision
Multimedia & VJ: VisuaLive
Video by: Motty Engel
Additional Video by: Flowmotion
Stage Manager: Moshe Sonnenschein, Suchy Klein
Production Assistant: Sol Blum
Public Relations: I & Me Media
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