Thank You Rebbi – Benny Friedman and Yitzy Waldner with Chasdei Lev (Lyric video)

Thank You Rebbi – Benny Friedman and Yitzy Waldner with Chasdei Lev (Lyric video)

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Shared on November 27, 2021
Benny and Yitzy collaborate once again to bring you a beautiful production... So sit back and enjoy!
To our dear Rebbi and family,
This song expresses our deep appreciation to you for dedicating your life and career to us.
The lessons you’ve taught us and our children have made a lasting impact on our lives! THANK YOU FOR CHOOSING US!
Chasdei Lev, a non-profit organization which helps Rabbeim and their families enjoy their Yomim Tovim with the financial Menuchas Hanefesh which they so deserve, partnered up with some amazing musical talent to release an uplifting new song.
Enjoy this video, and make sure to go to: https://chasdeilev.org for more information. Find out how you can help with Chasdei Lev!
To purchase/stream Thank You Rebbi click this link https://distrokid.com/hyperfollow/chasdeilev/thank-you-rebbi-feat-benny-friedman--yitzy-waldner
Produced by Yechiel Schron
Composed & Directed by Yitzy Waldner
Lyrics by Miriam Israeli
Arranged by Avrumi Berko
Mixed by Yaniv Balas
Vocal Production by Doni Gross
Vocals Recorded at DeG Studios, NYC, Studio 6, Lakewood, NJ
Album Artwork by Thinkink Creations
Lyric Video & PR by Yossi Zweig - Intelligent Noise LLC
Photos: Google Images
Additional photos/footage courtesy of Yeshiva Ohr Naftoli New Windsor - Crunch Time Media
I had a teacher
A Rebbi in my life
Who made me what I am today
I was too young thento know that I'd owe
A debt I could never repay 
Now, we were no angels
But Rebbi stayed on
He saw something we couldn't see
Year after year at the front of the class
Building the world that would be 
He could've been a doctor
accountant, a lawyer
Had wealth and a fancy degree
He could've chosen to go for the gold
But instead my Rebbi chose me 
How I wish you could see that the message you taught
(x2 the lessons we've learned)
Remains with us all of our lives
Rebbi, just know that you're changing the world
You do it one child at a time
Countless talmidim who stand up and say
Thank you, dear Rebbi 
Every day
I had a teacher
A Rebbi in my life
But it's only now when I'm grown
I realize that teacher and Rebbi of mine
Had a family and life of his own
And I'd like to tell them
You all have a zechus
Because you were there to support
Like Rabbi Akiva who said of his wife
All that is mine's really yours 
May you all have brochos
And share joy and nachas
And blessings for eternity
You could have chosen to go for the gold
But with you, my Rebbi chose me
• • •
בני פרידמן ואיצי וואלדנר שוב משתפים פעולה כדי להביא לכם הפקה נפלאה באיכות גבוהה. שבו ותהנו.
לכבוד המלמדים ובני משפחותיהם,
שיר זה מביע את הערכתנו העמוקה לכם על שהקדשתם את חייכם והקריירה שלכם לנו.
השיעורים שלימדתם אותנו ואת ילדינו השפיעו על חיינו באופן משמעותי.
תודה שבחרתם בנו.
'חסדי לב' - ארגון ללא מטרות רווח, העוזר למלמדים ובני משפחותיהם ליהנות מהימים הטובים מתוך מנוחת הנפש כלכלית לה הם ראויים, חבר לכמה כשרונות מוזיקליים מהשורה הראשונה, כדי להוציא את השיר המרומם החדש.
תיהנו מהקליפ וכנסו לאתר הארגון: https://chasdeilev.org/ למידע נוסף. מצאו את הדרך בה תוכלו לסייע ל"חסדי לב".
הפקה: יחיאל שרון
לחן ובימוי: איצי וואלדנר
מילים: מירי ישראלי
עיבוד: אברומי ברקו
מיקס: יניב בלאס
הפקת שירה: דני גרוס
הקלטות שירה: DeG סטודיו, ניו יורק ובסטודיו 6 בלייקווד, ניו ג'רזי
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