The Maccabeats – Bashana Haba'a – Rosh Hashanah

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Shared on September 8, 2020
Music video for "Bashana Haba'a," a song of hope for the year to come. 聽
Shana Tova from our families to yours!
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Music by Nurit Hirsch and lyrics by Ehud Manor.
Additional lyrics by the Maccabeats
Arranged by Rob Dietz
Edited by Alex Green for Plaid Productions
Mixed by Ed Boyer
馃帴 by Leo Skier for Skylight Media
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讻诪讛 讟讜讘 讬讛讬讛
讘砖谞讛, 讘砖谞讛 讛讘讗讛.
Soon the day will arrive
when we will sing together,
And the distance will just disappear
And the children will smile,
In a world that鈥檚 gotten better,
So let鈥檚 bring in a healthy new year
Wait and see, wait and see, what a world there can be
And we know that there鈥檚 always tomorrow
注讜讚 转专讗讛, 注讜讚 转专讗讛
讻诪讛 讟讜讘 讬讛讬讛
讘砖谞讛, 讘砖谞讛 讛讘讗讛.
讘砖谞讛 讛讘讗讛 谞驻专讜砖 讻驻讜转 讬讚讬讬诐
诪讜诇 讛讗讜专 讛谞讬讙专 讛诇讘谉
讗谞驻讛 诇讘谞讛 转驻专讜砖 讘讗讜专 讻谞驻讬讬诐
讜讛砖诪砖 转讝专讞 讘转讜讻谉.
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讻诪讛 讟讜讘 讬讛讬讛
讘砖谞讛, 讘砖谞讛 讛讘讗讛.
Lyrics translated:
In the coming year we'll sit on our porch
And we'll count migrating birds
Children on holiday will play tag
Between the house and the fields

Soon you'll see, soon you'll see
How good it will be
In the coming year
Soon the day will arrive
when we will sing together,
And the distance will just disappear
And the children will smile,
In a world that鈥檚 gotten better,
So let鈥檚 bring in a healthy new year
Wait and see, wait and see, what a world there can be
And we know that there鈥檚 always tomorrow
In the coming year we'll spread our palms
Against the white flowing light
A white heron will spread its wings in the light
And the sun will shine in them
Soon you'll see, soon you'll see
How good it will be
In the coming year
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