The Miami Boys Choir – El Hashem (Official Music Video) פרחי מיאמי – אל השם

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Shared on June 16, 2024
The Miami Boys Choir
El Hashem
From the album: One Voice
Available on all streaming platforms and itunes and 24/6.
Directed, Arranged & Composed by: Yerachmiel Begun
קוה אל ה׳ חזק ויאמץ לבך וקוה אל השם
Video by: Sniper Studios
Video edited & audio mixed by: Miami Studios
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Members of The Miami Boys Choir
Shimon & Eliyahu Allakhverdov
Yonatan Bouskila • Yosef Hazan
Jack Hidary • Kobe Knopfler
Chaviv Saadia • Charles Zoltan
Jack & Isaac Yossef
Joseph Masri • Shlomo Kestenbaum
Pesach & Yitzchak Davis
Elimelech Fishman • Noam Hanina
Benyamin Kreymerman • Yacov Lavie
Doron Saadia • Roni Samuels
Yehuda Samuel • Rephael Neriyah Shimonov
Ovadiyah Shimonov • Amiel Yavin
Soloists: Jack Hidary, Isaac Yossef and Chaviv Saadia
Arranged by: Yisroel Lamm • [email protected][email protected]
Copyright Yerachmiel Begun 2024
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