The Yam-Bam Trail – המסע של יאם-באם

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Shared on March 7, 2017
Just in time for Purim 5777! Please enjoy this fun twist on Track 7 "Yam Bam" off our latest album - Yedidim 2, an "Ideal Image" production!
Song: Yam Bam
Album: Yedidim 2
Composed by: Shloime Kalish
Music Arranged by: Dudi Kalish
Performed by: Yedidim Choir
Executive Director: Yanky Orlansky
Concept & Videography: Shimmy Rubinstein
Produced and Directed by: Shimmy Rubinstein
Video Editing by: Neumann Media Studios
Memebers on set:
Yanky Orlansky
Mendy Ornstein
Menashe Lichtenstein
Yoel Hersh Fuchs
Gershy Schwartz
Yanky Hertz
Kalmy Schwartz
Shaya Ilowitz
Zishe Spitz
Duvid Feder
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