We Want Moshiach Now! | DJ Farbreng | Eli Marcus | TYH Nation
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Shared on March 6, 2025
We want Moshiach now! We absolutely do! Not because Moshiach is some kind of magical cure-all that instantly solves every problem, but because we understand what it truly means to live in the times of Moshiach.
We recognize that our struggles and challenges are simply the natural consequences of a world where Hashem’s presence is hidden, making things feel dark and difficult. But when Moshiach comes, that veil will be lifted—we will see Hashem’s presence clearly, and as a result, all pain, hardships, and confusion will naturally dissolve. Yidden of all types will come together because of this realization.
We also know that we can very clearly live Moshiach times right now if we break down the walls that we have constructed between ourselves, and let this light permeate our lives.
The Lubavitcher Rebbe ZY’A was very fond of this song, and we are proud to present our own take on this classic teffilah.
TYH Music/Mendy Portnoy/Farbrengable Studios
Produced and Arranged Izzy Drihem
Kids Children’s Choir: Shir V’shevach
Arranged & Directed
by Chaim Meir Fligman
Video produced by
Gavi Starke Productions
Directed filmed and edited by
Gavi Starke
Production assistants:
Nate Sprecher
Chesky Ifra
We recognize that our struggles and challenges are simply the natural consequences of a world where Hashem’s presence is hidden, making things feel dark and difficult. But when Moshiach comes, that veil will be lifted—we will see Hashem’s presence clearly, and as a result, all pain, hardships, and confusion will naturally dissolve. Yidden of all types will come together because of this realization.
We also know that we can very clearly live Moshiach times right now if we break down the walls that we have constructed between ourselves, and let this light permeate our lives.
The Lubavitcher Rebbe ZY’A was very fond of this song, and we are proud to present our own take on this classic teffilah.
TYH Music/Mendy Portnoy/Farbrengable Studios
Produced and Arranged Izzy Drihem
Kids Children’s Choir: Shir V’shevach
Arranged & Directed
by Chaim Meir Fligman
Video produced by
Gavi Starke Productions
Directed filmed and edited by
Gavi Starke
Production assistants:
Nate Sprecher
Chesky Ifra
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