Yanky Lemmer and The NY Klezmer All Stars Shomea Kol Bichyos

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Shared on January 13, 2014
Yanky Lemmer in a stirring rendition of Shomea Kol Bichyos.
This concert took place on the Millennium Stage at Washington DC's Kennedy Center for the Arts. On stage are these world class musicians:
Frank London - Trumpet
Michael Winograd - Clarinet
Richie Barshi - Drums
Patrick Farrel - Accordion
Benjy Fox-Rosen - Bass, Vocals
The text for this selection is from the Selichot service that is offered on the holiest day of the Jewish calendar, Yom Kippur. It begs G-d on high to place our tears in His grail and save us from all evil.
Gates of Tears

Based on the following Talmudic teaching:
R' Elazar said, "From the day that the Temple was destroyed, the heavenly gates of prayer were locked and our prayers are not answered as readily as before... But even though the gates of prayer have been locked, the gates of tears have not been locked.
b. Berakhot 32b
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