Yedidim singing Eli Beer – Feat. Menachem Moskowitz – ידידים ומנחם מוסקוביץ שרים אלי ביר

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Shared on August 10, 2015
Yedidim Choir is proud to present to you two hit songs from the latest Eli Beer album, the first one is a happy sing along tune with the title "Meilich's Nigun" followed by "Horachamon" a real Kumzitz Classic.
Music and production by the multi talented Avrumi Berko.
ABerko Production
Soloist: Menachem Moskowitz
Guitar: Motty Feldman
Violin: Stanislav
Sound: Yossi Rosenberg
Video: Neumann Media

Mixed: Tzvi Blumenfeld
@ Blue Rhythm Studio
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