מה אשיב לה – YG Mo Oshiv Lashem | Yossi Green & Shragi Gestetner Z"L

מה אשיב לה – YG Mo Oshiv Lashem | Yossi Green & Shragi Gestetner Z"L

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Shared on May 13, 2023
In the year 2015 I was asked by a close friend who was moving into his newly constructed home, if I could write him a song of Thanks to Hashem. He expressed himself by saying: "What is it that I can return to Hashem for all the Goodness I feel coming from Him?" Suddenly, remembering this passage from Hallel by Dovid Hamelech who said these same exact words to Hashem, מה אשיב לה' כל תגמולוהי עלי... I knew that I had found the lyric to work on. This then is the outcome...
Produced by: Yossi Green
Arranged by: Yisroel Lamm
Guest performer: Shragi Gestetner ז"ל
iTunes: https://music.apple.com/us/artist/yossi-green/1501796667
Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/s?k=Yossi+Green&i=digital-music&search-type=ss&ref=ntt_srch_drd_B001IF7ZKY
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