Yoimum – the original leaked video

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Shared on January 18, 2017
#Yoimum #MeilechKohn #מיילךקאהן
One month ago, we released the song and video "Yoimum".
להזמנת אירועים והופעות - אביה הפקות
מייל : [email protected]
טלפון : 0546503587
The song had started as a little jam that came to me in the days leading up to Rosh Hashanah. It quickly became a favorite tune for when we were sitting together and and jamming, which of course happened quite a bit over the course of Tishrei and it's many meals. It was during one of those meals, at my friend Oizer's suckah, that I was sitting with my good brother and everyone's friend; Duddy Deutsch​, singing it together with the many others sitting around the table.
The video that was recorded then spread quickly. Right after the yomim tovim, Zevy Fried called and said; "Meilech, we need to record this yesterday." The rest, as they say, is history. With that, here's the video that got it started.
‘Yeder Einer’ Available Everywhere Now!
iTunes: http://apple.co/2fVgtnv...
Google Play: http://bit.ly/2yAgB7h
Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Yeder-Einer-Meilech-Kohn/dp/B075J13GV7
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