YONI Z – Hoshana feat. Cantor Moti Zigelboum [Official Music Video] הושענא – Z יוני

YONI Z – Hoshana feat. Cantor Moti Zigelboum [Official Music Video] הושענא – Z יוני

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Shared on September 21, 2018
Yoni Z - Hoshana feat. Cantor Moti Zigelboum (Yoni's father).
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Director: Aharon Orian
Producers: OlamMedia JLM
First Producer: Chana Orian
Executive Producer: Yoni Z
Cinematographer: David Orian
Wardrobe Design: Uzhasna Couture / Millennial City
Screenplay: Yoni Z, Sholom Nemanow, Aharon Orian
Post Production: OlamMedia Studio, JLM
Editors: Aharon Orian, David Orian
Album Producer: Yanky Katina
Composers: Eli Klein, Elie Schwab, Yoni Z
Musical Production/Arrangement: Eyal Mazig
Recorded at Eyal Mazig Studios, Bardo Studios, Jason Goldglancz Studios, NY.
Assistant Producer: Liad Grushka
Mix: Gil Telman
Mastered by Playmasters Studios
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